Quick Mint

Sometimes you don't want to go through the process of creating a NFT collection for multiple NFTs and instead only want to quickly mint a single NFT or fungible token. We have a quick mint feature exactly for this purpose.

Every asset that is minted with the Quick Mint feature will be minted under a new unique policy id that will lock exactly 24h after mint.

You can enter the following intormation:

Asset Name

The asset name is a uniqe identifier of your NFT inside the collection. This value must not contain any whitespace or special characters and the lenght is limited to 32 characters. Usually you will rarely see the asset name of an NFT. Some wallets my display it, but most of the time you will see the display name.

Display Name

The display name allows more freedom in formatting. You can use special characters and whitespaces, the length is limited to 64 characters. This name will be shown on secondary markets like jpg.store or blockchain visualisations like pool.pm.


There are 3 different types of supply:

Single NFT: One single NFT with a unique asset name.

Multiple NFTs: Multiple unique NFTs with different asset names counting up to the total supply (AssetName1, AssetName2, ...). The single assets are unique and distinguishable from each other and will also include an incrementing metadata key "Number: X/Y".

Fungible Token: A fungible token with the desired total supply. Technically one single asset with a supply higher than 1. The tokens are not distinguishable from each other.


Here you can add structured information that shall be attached to your asset. Be creative, describe the NFT or add your Website, Discord or Twitter link.

When adding a Twitter link, for example, the Key would be Twitter and the Value would be the URL to your Twitter profile. When adding URLs to the metadata we recommend including the https:// prefix.

Source Media

A high quality representation of your NFT. Allowed filetypes are PNG, JPG, GIF, MP4 and GLB. Important: If you upload a MP4 or GLB file, we highly recommend setting a thumbnail image.

Thumbnail Image (optional)

A low quality representation of your NFT. The filesize should not exceed 2 MB. This image will be used when your NFT is display among other assets where the full resolution is not needed or can't be displayed (for example the wallet overview on pool.pm). Allowed filetypes are PNG, JPG, GIF.

File Attachment (optional)

A ZIP file that will be attached to your NFT. This option may be useful if you want to attach even more files to your NFT. The ZIP file will be pinned to IPFS and can be download through a link inside the metadata.

Once you are done adding all the information you can use the Preview button to see how your minted asset will look like and then just hit the Mint button.

Last updated